
Kintsugi: The Art of Broken Pieces

What if each of us took just one day and stopped trying to hide our flaws? What if we embraced each freckle, scar and imperfection and celebrated them? This is the story of the tiny, brown cup that my husband bought for me.

When a cup like this one falls and breaks into a thousand pieces, we typically throw it into the trash regretfully. It was my sweet husband who first told me about a Japanese practice in which people make broken objects more beautiful by highlighting their faults. “Kintsugi‘ is the art of repairing items with actual gold so that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. Kintsug literally means, “Golden journey”.

My own journey is one of many scars and breaks, yet, I know my Redeemer lives and is at work in me, through me, and for me. It is only by His grace that I can freely live a perfectly imperfect life. If you’re ever at a place where you feel broken, scarred or worthless, consider the art of Kintsugi. Our faults and imperfections can be used by God to highlight His grace and forgiveness and make us more like Jesus. #kintsugi

Katie Ryburn

1 Comment

  1. Marianna Guzall

    You and your family continually remind me ….teach me.
    Thank you

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